January marks 1 year of our Blog, I cannot believe the ride so far. As of today Lo7 and I seem to have taken another step hand in hand into the lifestyle of FLR. Our Christmas was the most loving and peaceful yet,the children, LO7 and I enjoyed a wonderful holiday. Lo7 has embraced her new role as Domme of our sexual life and is eager to experiment more in Controlling our everyday lives. This in turn has pushed me deeper into my sub role and has made pleasing and serving her more of gift of my love to her. My new years resolutions for 2010 are
1) Focus on exercise, this will be for
my health and for the pleasure of my Goddess to have a nice trophy to admire.
2) Stay the Man my Goddess fell in love with, this will keep the love growing between us.
3) At Lo7's Pace and desire continue to refine my submission and encourage her Control over our relationship. This will ensure we have a comfortable future together with Lo7 managing both our Lives financially.
4) Explore along with LO7 the joy of being her slave and gladly take on more domestic chores while she learns to enjoy the fact that she need not feel guilt and anxiety over to much to do but can strengthen our love by sitting back knowing that her slave will gladly do these tasks to prove his love.
5) Lo7 an kb7 will grow into one with Lo7 knowing that kb7 will be her tower of strength and sounding board making the relationship a model FLR one with LO7 at the controls and kb7 supporting her all the way.
Happy New Year to all
This Blog Describes our Journey of fantasy into the life of the male surrendering control to the Female
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The Norm and the Fantasy
Lo7 loves to watch our follower number go up! The only way this happens is to post, so here we go. FLR is definitely becoming more prominent in our lives, the norm now is for me to paint Lo7's nails, morning tea is also served to Lo7 in bed, it is just the way it is. Lo7 told me to post a fantasy, We are going away this weekend for 2 days no kids just us, so i figured a weekend fantasy would be in order.
In my fantasy as soon as we leave Lo7 takes full control, this get away is about truly being slave to her. In my fantasy the more control Lo7 takes the hotter and wetter she gets! In my fantasy Lo7 has many orgasms however she wants them, I have as many as she wants! In my fantasy if Lo7 says walk a 1/2 pace behind me I do, carrying her bags as she shops. Or she may just say wait in the car and this is what i must do. In my fantasy Lo7 has no reservations punishing her slave for any actions that do not meet her expectations.The punishment may not happen right away but Lo7 would definitely take pleasure in keeping me aware that when we get back to the room I may be standing in the corner naked with a red butt reflecting on my actions. What I eat , drink, or even the cloths I wear are not my choice and lo7 is always sure to remind me of this. In my fantasy Lo7 has me marked in a discreet way , (maybe 1 painted finger nail) in public she takes pleasure in pushing the limit of exposing my slave marking(s).I as slave have no money or credit cards and even sleeping on the bed is a privilege not a right. In my fantasy even with this extreme role play any one seeing us together would be jealous of the love and affection being displayed by a mid 40s couple. In my fantasy I grow as a submissive to Lo7 and Lo7 grows as the Leader in this lifestyle.
In my fantasy as soon as we leave Lo7 takes full control, this get away is about truly being slave to her. In my fantasy the more control Lo7 takes the hotter and wetter she gets! In my fantasy Lo7 has many orgasms however she wants them, I have as many as she wants! In my fantasy if Lo7 says walk a 1/2 pace behind me I do, carrying her bags as she shops. Or she may just say wait in the car and this is what i must do. In my fantasy Lo7 has no reservations punishing her slave for any actions that do not meet her expectations.The punishment may not happen right away but Lo7 would definitely take pleasure in keeping me aware that when we get back to the room I may be standing in the corner naked with a red butt reflecting on my actions. What I eat , drink, or even the cloths I wear are not my choice and lo7 is always sure to remind me of this. In my fantasy Lo7 has me marked in a discreet way , (maybe 1 painted finger nail) in public she takes pleasure in pushing the limit of exposing my slave marking(s).I as slave have no money or credit cards and even sleeping on the bed is a privilege not a right. In my fantasy even with this extreme role play any one seeing us together would be jealous of the love and affection being displayed by a mid 40s couple. In my fantasy I grow as a submissive to Lo7 and Lo7 grows as the Leader in this lifestyle.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Back on Track
Lo7 arrived home to me in my Panties and clean shaven. I felt happy to have shown her I love for her to take control. Skip ahead to Friday night. I have Upset Lo7 3 times today, Instead of using her control Lo7 gets mad and this makes me mad and the whole night is almost ruined.Together after some talk we re-group the night ends with a hot kissing session and LO7 cumming 2 times, kb7 0
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Double Secret Probation
LO7 is going out of town for the night tonight and wont be back until late tomorrow afternoon she may or may not read this post before she goes. 3 things that I must do while she is gone, Shave "Her" cock and balls, wear the Red panties while she is out of town and No Alcohol. The reasons I am doing these is I think LO7 is testing me, the other night she asked why I was not clean shaven, my reply was weak and her only words were "I should not have to tell you I have told you once to stay clean shaven". Last night as I helped her with the Laundry she said while I am gone wear the red Panties.
After while I was having a glass of wine she suggested I switch to water. All these comments were made in passing and she did not demand, but more suggest that I follow her instructions So November 11 will be a day of Remembering the Troops who Fought for our freedom and the Day kb7 used his brain and listened to my queen.
After while I was having a glass of wine she suggested I switch to water. All these comments were made in passing and she did not demand, but more suggest that I follow her instructions So November 11 will be a day of Remembering the Troops who Fought for our freedom and the Day kb7 used his brain and listened to my queen.
Monday, November 9, 2009
2 steps forward 4 steps back
I think any one in any relationship has these ups and downs, When it is a "different from the norm" it just magnifies. For L07 and I both being stubborn it makes it even worse. The more we disagree the more L07 moves out of the FLR mode which in turn drives my sub side right out the window. I know this should never happen if we are truly living an FLR lifestyle is what you are thinking now! We are man and Woman exploring a lifestyle that has been in my fantasies for a long time and is very new to LO7. Reading Blogs like "Being her Knight" I have learned something about myself, LO7 Likes my submissive side, what triggers my submissive side is her taking control, not getting mad just being dominant. The mad side of her only makes me defensive. So I guess to continue down this path I must learn to keep my sub side to the front and LO7 , well she just needs to put her foot down instead of putting up with my "stubborn side"
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Rewards & Domestic duties
After 4 weeks of unspoken Chastity Lo7 allowed me to cum! The way she did it was very controlling, although at the time neither of us realized that her natural dominance was taking over. Lo7 has been house bound after surgery for about a month now so we decided to take her and 3 of the 5 kids away for a night in a hotel and some early Christmas shopping. In bed with the 3 little ones in the same room Lo7 's magic fingers got a hold of my hard cock and she went to work on me, If I moaned, even very softly she stopped and gave my stomach a tap to warn me not to make a sound, if I was close I touched her hand to let her know then she would stop the pleasure and squeeze my balls until it was safe to start again. This went on for a very long time and not a word was said. When Lo7 was ready she finished me off to a silent but pleasurable orgasm. Last night as I washed the kitchen floor while Lo7 talked to a friend on the phone, My mind replayed the natural control that seamed to come so easly to Lo7, then I realized that I was enjoying the fact that she had instructed me to wash the floor and was fully in my sub space as my princess sat comfortably chatting with a friend. I guess the purpose of this post is to let you know that it seems that FLR is happening naturally and it feels right.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Challenges, cleaning, catering, caos but no Chastity!
What a pleasant surprise to see kb7 has made good use of our blog and received the guidance and good advise from you wonderful, kind and genuinely caring subs. Thank- you, Thank-you, even a spank you!((hugs))
We are still during the early days with my recovery, but doing much better. I'm feeling a little selfish having the entire household helping out. kb7 can't do it all, and I wouldn't expect it either.
Prior to surgery, we made a promise to each other to keep our lifestyle alive, though there would be some setbacks, we both were responsible to at least try. During the first 10 days when my mom was here, I did try at my first doctors appointment, but it didn't go over too well. As I read kb7s posts I realise he was feeling the impact of our current situation, and my heart hurt for him. I simply pointed to my feet and had said in front of the entire waiting area and my MOM, and said to kb7 "hey hon, you will have to give me a foot bath, massage my feet and paint my nails tonight" kb7 simply smiled and looked back at his hands sitting on his lap. His response makes complete sense to me since reading our blog. I of course gave up, and had evil thoughts running through my head!! I bit my lip and just let it all go.
Moving forward...this morning kb7 called first thing to inform me that he awoke twice during the night dreaming about masturbating...this was a turn on for sure. Which was a good indication to me, that time does heal.
kb7 has done so much for us, what should I do for him in return?
With much gratitude, until later...
Lo7 xo
We are still during the early days with my recovery, but doing much better. I'm feeling a little selfish having the entire household helping out. kb7 can't do it all, and I wouldn't expect it either.
Prior to surgery, we made a promise to each other to keep our lifestyle alive, though there would be some setbacks, we both were responsible to at least try. During the first 10 days when my mom was here, I did try at my first doctors appointment, but it didn't go over too well. As I read kb7s posts I realise he was feeling the impact of our current situation, and my heart hurt for him. I simply pointed to my feet and had said in front of the entire waiting area and my MOM, and said to kb7 "hey hon, you will have to give me a foot bath, massage my feet and paint my nails tonight" kb7 simply smiled and looked back at his hands sitting on his lap. His response makes complete sense to me since reading our blog. I of course gave up, and had evil thoughts running through my head!! I bit my lip and just let it all go.
Moving forward...this morning kb7 called first thing to inform me that he awoke twice during the night dreaming about masturbating...this was a turn on for sure. Which was a good indication to me, that time does heal.
kb7 has done so much for us, what should I do for him in return?
With much gratitude, until later...
Lo7 xo
Friday, October 16, 2009
am I really worthy
Well the first week of service was a disaster, Lo7 had her mother waiting on her and for some reason I could not get my submissive side to come out. I did many things to help Lo7 but I was not the submissive husband she needed at the time. Today I feel much more submissive and I will try and be the slave to her I have always fantasised about. Gee who knew the submissive side would be such a hard thing to do , especially when I have wanted it for so long. I would really appreciate any comments or guidance from Sub husbands or Domme wives.
Monday, October 5, 2009
6 weeks of service
Lo7 has had some surgery and will require a servant for the next six weeks.
Her Mom and sister will be around but like she said the other day, this will be your test! You say you want a FLR well time to put your money where your mouth is. I look forward to proving myself to her and will keep the blog posted on my/our progress. On another note, my last post on the "Royal Room" was an idea I had but after Lo7 read the post she reminded me what we have been saying all along, "Baby steps" we are not ready yet, but she said we will know when we are and that will be an excellent tool for communication
Her Mom and sister will be around but like she said the other day, this will be your test! You say you want a FLR well time to put your money where your mouth is. I look forward to proving myself to her and will keep the blog posted on my/our progress. On another note, my last post on the "Royal Room" was an idea I had but after Lo7 read the post she reminded me what we have been saying all along, "Baby steps" we are not ready yet, but she said we will know when we are and that will be an excellent tool for communication
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The Royal Room
As we move forward, My mind races. I find great relaxation lying dreaming of new exciting ways to define our roles in the FLR. I am not sure if Lo7 spend as much time as I do on this lifestyle but I know she is very impressed at how peaceful our lives have become since we both accepted our roles and are working on honing them. Last night when I was unwinding watching TV a thought came to me that I had never read in a blog and wanted to share it with our little community. In my Idea, fantasy,plan or whatever you want to call it, when Lo7 feels that our lives are slipping back to too much "vanilla" She need only call me and say we need to talk in the "Royal Room" this can be a designated room or any room she desires at any time. What this means in our FLR is that The Royal Room is where my Queen Is without question in full control and I may enter but must not sit unless instructed and must not speak unless asked a question. This is where Lo7 can talk and my most important task is to listen and understand.This is a way that when we are slipping off track Lo7 can use her power to get us back on without having to get mad or frustrated. This also gives me a chance to regroup and prove my submission to her and become a better listener.Of course this is my idea and I will have to have Lo7 read the post and she would decide if it is a good idea or not.
I would love to hear any comments on this
I would love to hear any comments on this
Friday, September 25, 2009
reality and comfort = a succesfully FLR
Lo7 and I are realizing that yes a FLR is very possible and very natural. That said I think that anyone trying to live this lifestyle must realize that it is a slow complicated process. We started this journey back in January when we started our blog. In our minds we have moved forward leaps and bounds, but in reality we are only baby steps in to this relationship. The key, we think to moving forward is both of us to be comfortable and secure in every new way of life. For instance Last night Lo7 introduced 3 new rules to our FLR life 1) I must Become more submissive in a loving way in our every day life. It must become a natural part of me. 2)I must never touch Lo7 unless I ask permission. 3)If we are fooling around and I feel myself close to cumming I must say "please stop" ( this is to teach me control of my , correction her penis! and adds a little humiliation to her control, making me say "please stop" instead of I am getting close.) To many readers I sure that this seems like a small thing but had Lo7 made these rules even a month ago I truly don't think it would have been achievable for either of us. We both look forward to our continuing Journey and as we move forward the hurdles that slowed the journey at the beginning seem to be less and less. O yes and Lo7 is quite proud that she is not as predictable as she once was ! I sit here typing Lo7 satisfied with an orgasm last night ,me not so lucky, after serving tea this morning I was sure that she would let me cum, but no she only played with my hard on and took great pleasure in hearing me say "please stop" several times. I think she was more pleased with the fact that I finally cant predict how she will "control" me
Friday, September 11, 2009
Domestic Servitude
Lo7 is very Particular! She was out visiting friends the other night , phoned and asked me to put a frozen pizza in the oven and she would be home shortly.The Kids were with their other parents so it was just us for the night. I was hungry tired and had worked late and had a few glasses of wine when I got home,
The pizza went in and My first mistake was using a tea towel to take it out then cutting the pizza to see if it was done and putting it back in , taking it out when it was ready I noticed the cheese and sauce had dripped into the oven and sauce was all over the towel. hungry and mellow from the wine I cut my pizza and ate leaving the tea towel on the counter and filling my wine. Lo7 came home and The sound of her voice as she called me to the kitchen made me jump. Until this point our FLR has only been in the bedroom,but that was about to change! Explaining that she had just cleaned the oven days earlier and that I knew better than to use a tea towel. Lo7 surprised me when instead of being mad asked me to go and get one of the kids ping pong paddles. It was not until I was coming back up the basement stairs that I realized what was going to happen next. Lo7 's first words when I arrived in the kitchen, "there is no negotiating here, strip" Excited, scared, embarrassed I laughed and she just stood not even cracking a smile . I removed my clothes and was starting to get nervous. "Hands straight out against the wall legs apart" was all she said. In this position I closed my eyes as she rubbed the paddle against my ass cheek, " This is turning you on" she said as she could not help but notice my cock growing. "well tonight is not about the pleasure that's for sure" she said, I could not believe when the first paddle hit my butt. 5 more on each cheek and Lo7 kissed me and said clean this mess up then come and watch TV with me. Needless to say I did exactly as I was told.
The pizza went in and My first mistake was using a tea towel to take it out then cutting the pizza to see if it was done and putting it back in , taking it out when it was ready I noticed the cheese and sauce had dripped into the oven and sauce was all over the towel. hungry and mellow from the wine I cut my pizza and ate leaving the tea towel on the counter and filling my wine. Lo7 came home and The sound of her voice as she called me to the kitchen made me jump. Until this point our FLR has only been in the bedroom,but that was about to change! Explaining that she had just cleaned the oven days earlier and that I knew better than to use a tea towel. Lo7 surprised me when instead of being mad asked me to go and get one of the kids ping pong paddles. It was not until I was coming back up the basement stairs that I realized what was going to happen next. Lo7 's first words when I arrived in the kitchen, "there is no negotiating here, strip" Excited, scared, embarrassed I laughed and she just stood not even cracking a smile . I removed my clothes and was starting to get nervous. "Hands straight out against the wall legs apart" was all she said. In this position I closed my eyes as she rubbed the paddle against my ass cheek, " This is turning you on" she said as she could not help but notice my cock growing. "well tonight is not about the pleasure that's for sure" she said, I could not believe when the first paddle hit my butt. 5 more on each cheek and Lo7 kissed me and said clean this mess up then come and watch TV with me. Needless to say I did exactly as I was told.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Training Continues
As you can see by Lo7's last post with picture it was a WLM weekend and slowly a new way of life for us. I cant count how many times during the weekend Lo7 brought me to the edge with her tongue , magic fingers and her wet hot womanhood, only to deny me the pleasure of orgasm and every time she did this it finished with me licking and massaging her to climax, then on with the day. I tried to explain to Lo7 the frustration/pleasure I got from being denied and she was ammused when just the sound of her cumming almost made me cum myself! When I finally was allowed release the pleasure was heaven and the amount of cum was proof to L07 that I was as turned on as she had ever seen me. I think Lo7 now realizes that this is a win win for both of us
Saturday, September 5, 2009
An extra LONG weekend for Kb7...

I awoke this morning to our usual morning ritual of tea served to me in bed, Kb7 had picked some beautiful roses for me as an extra added touch of thoughtfulness. I could see through Kb7s boxers a bulge, I grabbed onto his crotch and gave a gentle squeeze, teasing with him that I can see I was missed while I was away over this past week. After tea and some teasing, I forewarned Kb7 that he was not permitted to cum, I told him to get something in his head that is a turn off for him. (I was a little evil and told him to think of one of his ex who repulses him. I know he was thinking of her because he literally went instantly soft in my hand!
I guided Kb7s hand between my legs, he moaned when he felt how wet and swollen I was. Kb7 worked his magic,I instructed kb7 to look at the pleasure all over my face, he sucked and licked me both gentle and hard, making sure my nipples were erect, I had one of the best orgasms, my body was trembling all over, I was extremely satisfied. Kb7 admitted me was afraid he was going to cum watching and listening to me, but was able to control himself, baby steps.
I plan on making a day or two of this, I know it should be longer but he has been trying so hard lately trying to get into his role as an obedient sub. One would have to know my man to truly appreciate how difficult my role is. Think of it as trying to put a pair of pants on a galloping horse!! Not entirely possible yet achievable!
One more detail, Kb7 attempted to paint my toe nails, so cute, he was shaking, his big hands holding onto my little toes, dripping red nail polish on my legs, a clothe under my feet, his hands and then he started to laugh! Red wasn't the best choice of nail polish for an amateur. I did a little fix up with some nail polish and a Q-tip. All in a days work training my sub. Good job baby x0
Enjoy the picture of my roses *wink
Friday, September 4, 2009
What the heck?
With anything new you have ups and downs! We are both so pleased with our feedback from subs and dommes who can relate to the struggles getting this lifestyle going and to keep it going. We have discovered it isn't always easy and doesn't come as naturally as we had anticipated, it encouraging when we receive feedback from all of you others share the same bumps and hurdles as we do.
To be honest I had to have Kb7 explain what sub, dommes and FLR all meant, so you can imagine what a "virgin" I am to this, and I do use that word loosely!
I have recently joined a forum, I am just feeling my way before I ask to bring up a topic to discuss, like any new relationship or friendship I always like to take it slow and easy and not be too pushy. Kind of hypocritical for a woman who is trying to gain control of her man!
With denial comes other struggles, the longer I deny Kb7 the more attentive he becomes, the more he listens and realizes his position and role in our lifestyle. Its all good until we come to SEX...I am finding too much denial leads to Kb7 being so sensitive to my touch that he is like a firecracker just ready to explode. Like an adverse reaction, I deny, I have Kb7 under my complete control..spanking, licking, sucking, anal penetration (he just loves my strap on), I let kb7 know well in advance with strict orders that he is not permitted to cum, he must wait yet another night, possibly a week and it all depends on how well behaved he is. NOT, he has cum that last several times.
My question is, how do I punish him, denial doesn't seem to be working that well. Here is the good part, when I question Kb7, he tells me that I should have stopped, I shouldn't have kept sucking and licking, so the blame is on me. I don't get upset, I have to find some humor in the situation, its' all good. But what the heck!?
I will let anyone know what forum I have joined if you would like to have input and are sharing the same struggles.
To be honest I had to have Kb7 explain what sub, dommes and FLR all meant, so you can imagine what a "virgin" I am to this, and I do use that word loosely!
I have recently joined a forum, I am just feeling my way before I ask to bring up a topic to discuss, like any new relationship or friendship I always like to take it slow and easy and not be too pushy. Kind of hypocritical for a woman who is trying to gain control of her man!
With denial comes other struggles, the longer I deny Kb7 the more attentive he becomes, the more he listens and realizes his position and role in our lifestyle. Its all good until we come to SEX...I am finding too much denial leads to Kb7 being so sensitive to my touch that he is like a firecracker just ready to explode. Like an adverse reaction, I deny, I have Kb7 under my complete control..spanking, licking, sucking, anal penetration (he just loves my strap on), I let kb7 know well in advance with strict orders that he is not permitted to cum, he must wait yet another night, possibly a week and it all depends on how well behaved he is. NOT, he has cum that last several times.
My question is, how do I punish him, denial doesn't seem to be working that well. Here is the good part, when I question Kb7, he tells me that I should have stopped, I shouldn't have kept sucking and licking, so the blame is on me. I don't get upset, I have to find some humor in the situation, its' all good. But what the heck!?
I will let anyone know what forum I have joined if you would like to have input and are sharing the same struggles.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
The New Life
Lo7 is pleased that I have seen the light! She has also become more comfortable in her role as "Queen,president and CEO" ,She is away for a few days so I thought a post to thank the commenter's and fellow blogger's for taking an interest in our journey and helping us along. Especially helping me realize the person I was with out even knowing it.In My head now , I see Lo7 with confidence making decisions taking control and delegating the tasks she does not need to do. I also see with the stubbornness and argument part of our lives gone is Harmony and less stress for Lo7. A recent post In the Blog "Fem Dom 101 , kathy made a very good point , The male ego has a way of sneaking up, I know this will happen to us and I know it will be a step backwards in our relationship. I think That if Lo7 can control the ego and I can make every effort to let that ego become a thing of the past life for us and our family will be bliss.
Thank you all again for your kind encouraging words, They helped us so much. I really want to make a habit of leaving a comment on all the blogs I read.
Thank you all again for your kind encouraging words, They helped us so much. I really want to make a habit of leaving a comment on all the blogs I read.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
A light came on!
Our month of trial FLR is coming to an end and yes finally after some Highs and lows I think I can see a path we will travel down. Last week my stubbornness caused a huge argument which ended in Lo7 not speaking to me. Then it was like someone turned on a light in my head , everything was clear to me Lo7 wants the man who also is the Sub all the time not just when he is submissive . I want Lo7 to be more dominant. I apologized for the blow out and asked that if I started to become stubborn just say " this is not open to discussion" Lo7 agreed and when I found myself starting to argue, which until now never realized how stubborn and argumentative I was, Lo7 simply said " not open for discussion" I made a conscious effort to obey that on every occasion and it worked. Baby steps I know but I feel great, Lo7 is happy, our lives seem peaceful and as a reward Lo7 is going to teach me how to apply toenail polish to her toes tonight. I cant wait to see what september will bring
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Struggling to gain control...I'm still hanging in there!
I'm struggling how to put my feeling with our life style into words. Over the past several months I have not used the blog and the resources to explore this lifestyle as much as Kb7 has, I figured that's his job doing his homework and keeping me updated since this was his idea in the first place.
I love and worship Kb7, my goal is to make him happy, fulfilling my end of this FLR, we have a long way to go, I'm not sure how far we have come as we seem to take one step forward and one large step back to the beginning all too often.
I have come to "prefer" the submissive edge to Kb7 over the vanilla Kb7, who wouldn't love a husband who has you sitting upon a pedestal catering to your every whim, and agreeing with everything you say without a question. These moments are only for very brief periods before Kb7 reverts back to himself. Don't get me wrong, the vanilla Kb7 is what I fell in love with to begin with, but someone better has come along so to speak. I have fallen out of love with the vanilla Kb7 and fell very much in love with the new life I have with Kb7. The issue I am having with the FLR is why we need to change to our everyday life to have Kb7 behave this way, why can't he just be the caring worshipping husband without any strings attached.
I am having fun with lifestyle I have become committed to, I wonder if we can continue on with this forever, what will happen to us if we can't...I have my fears that I may not be as happy in love. Kb7 wants this life style but isn't fully committed, though he is updating the blog and doing a lot of networking with others, there is still a lot of resistance, and like Kb7 has admittedly confessed it seems to be on his terms.
A saying comes to mind, "If it isn't broken why fix it" I was happy with our relationship before Kb7 approached me with his desire to be in a FLR, I wonder if I may not be the one Kb7 is the most suited for, perhaps I should be doing more to support this decision. I don't know where to start. Too much to think about, just getting back from holidays again and have tons to do..
Seriously, something that seems to be so simple isn't coming that natural for us. Moving forward, I am looking forward to report much more progress when Kb7 and I get a chance to sit and review his homework....more to follow.
I love and worship Kb7, my goal is to make him happy, fulfilling my end of this FLR, we have a long way to go, I'm not sure how far we have come as we seem to take one step forward and one large step back to the beginning all too often.
I have come to "prefer" the submissive edge to Kb7 over the vanilla Kb7, who wouldn't love a husband who has you sitting upon a pedestal catering to your every whim, and agreeing with everything you say without a question. These moments are only for very brief periods before Kb7 reverts back to himself. Don't get me wrong, the vanilla Kb7 is what I fell in love with to begin with, but someone better has come along so to speak. I have fallen out of love with the vanilla Kb7 and fell very much in love with the new life I have with Kb7. The issue I am having with the FLR is why we need to change to our everyday life to have Kb7 behave this way, why can't he just be the caring worshipping husband without any strings attached.
I am having fun with lifestyle I have become committed to, I wonder if we can continue on with this forever, what will happen to us if we can't...I have my fears that I may not be as happy in love. Kb7 wants this life style but isn't fully committed, though he is updating the blog and doing a lot of networking with others, there is still a lot of resistance, and like Kb7 has admittedly confessed it seems to be on his terms.
A saying comes to mind, "If it isn't broken why fix it" I was happy with our relationship before Kb7 approached me with his desire to be in a FLR, I wonder if I may not be the one Kb7 is the most suited for, perhaps I should be doing more to support this decision. I don't know where to start. Too much to think about, just getting back from holidays again and have tons to do..
Seriously, something that seems to be so simple isn't coming that natural for us. Moving forward, I am looking forward to report much more progress when Kb7 and I get a chance to sit and review his homework....more to follow.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Aug 10th
Well, my first week as a non arguing husband in a WLM was a disaster! Both Lo7 and myself could not find our proper places in this relationship. I was sad Lo7 was frustrated until Saturday night!
We were both tired and frustrated, Lo7 was leaving for a week the next day, Getting ready for bed Lo7 said "go shower and then come to bed and massage my feet"! I jumped at the chance and as she lay on the bed fully clothed I took my position naked at her feet and started massaging the moisturising cream into them. I was rock hard and could not believe this was happening Lo7 usually does not like to have her feet touched. She noticed my hard on smiled , closed her eyes and really enjoyed the massage which led into a hot night of sex sex sex. The next morning I awoke and was hard immediately, Lo7 started massaging my manhood and out of the blue said "I want my tea served now with you in your Traveling Panties" I was slightly embarrassed and humiliated(I had never worn them in front of her always whenI was on the road and took pictures for her to see) but the hard on sticking out the side was the true feelings that Lo7 pick up on . I served tea and as she sipped it she proceeded to explain that before she left she would have an orgasm , but I would have to Wait until next Saturday! All the time talking she was using her hand to bring me to the edge, stopping just short. when she was satisfied I was in agony she had me use my mouth to fill her needs , Well things got hot and just as she was about to cum she pulled me up and used my cock to finish her off saying "DO NOT CUM" I tried but it was to late! Lo7 was not happy but also knows I was past the point of no return. After the fun we laid in bed Lo7 had her head on my chest. She said I like you as kb7 but we need to build this into our daily life. First thing I want is for you to write in our blog about this Cumming when told not to, lets let our readers decide your fate for that slip up. 2) I want your groin area free of any hair at all times, this is to remind you I am in control. 3) We need to define our roles more clearly, While I am away I want you to write down what you can do to be a better partner in a FLM and what my role would be and how you see me in this arrangement. When I return we will sit down and discuss your writings and start our new life with Lo7 in charge and kb7 at her side.
We were both tired and frustrated, Lo7 was leaving for a week the next day, Getting ready for bed Lo7 said "go shower and then come to bed and massage my feet"! I jumped at the chance and as she lay on the bed fully clothed I took my position naked at her feet and started massaging the moisturising cream into them. I was rock hard and could not believe this was happening Lo7 usually does not like to have her feet touched. She noticed my hard on smiled , closed her eyes and really enjoyed the massage which led into a hot night of sex sex sex. The next morning I awoke and was hard immediately, Lo7 started massaging my manhood and out of the blue said "I want my tea served now with you in your Traveling Panties" I was slightly embarrassed and humiliated(I had never worn them in front of her always whenI was on the road and took pictures for her to see) but the hard on sticking out the side was the true feelings that Lo7 pick up on . I served tea and as she sipped it she proceeded to explain that before she left she would have an orgasm , but I would have to Wait until next Saturday! All the time talking she was using her hand to bring me to the edge, stopping just short. when she was satisfied I was in agony she had me use my mouth to fill her needs , Well things got hot and just as she was about to cum she pulled me up and used my cock to finish her off saying "DO NOT CUM" I tried but it was to late! Lo7 was not happy but also knows I was past the point of no return. After the fun we laid in bed Lo7 had her head on my chest. She said I like you as kb7 but we need to build this into our daily life. First thing I want is for you to write in our blog about this Cumming when told not to, lets let our readers decide your fate for that slip up. 2) I want your groin area free of any hair at all times, this is to remind you I am in control. 3) We need to define our roles more clearly, While I am away I want you to write down what you can do to be a better partner in a FLM and what my role would be and how you see me in this arrangement. When I return we will sit down and discuss your writings and start our new life with Lo7 in charge and kb7 at her side.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
August 4th
Well 4 days in and I see why Lo7 is so frustrated. She has had to remind me of our arrangement several times already! I guess I did not realize how patient she actually is when it comes to this lifestyle. I feel really at piece as the days go by, Loving Lo7 more and just really getting along. I don't think this is happening because I am being submissive, I think in my head I am accepting that there is so much more harmony when you accept that 1 person should be in control and guide the relationship while the other person lovingly follows. In this case it is the Female led relationship we are pursuing.
Nothing fem domme to report as of yet
but i will continue to post
Nothing fem domme to report as of yet
but i will continue to post
Friday, July 31, 2009
I have made a promise to Lo7.
For the month of August, I will work on being more attentive and loving to her. I will not argue. We are at this point in our relationship because Lo7 is getting frustrated with my switching from loving sub to somewhat cold husband. This exercise I feel will give me time to explore my submissive side and try and bring it forward without the option of returning to the vanilla me. For Lo7 , she will be able to explore her Domme side with no pressure to try and fulfill my fantasies and have to opportunity to take more daily control ( Financial,domestic or whatever pleases her) and not have to worry about the arguments , only enjoy a more loving attentive husband. Some of you may be saying "but why a time limit, if this is truly a FLR it is always!" My response to that is , I think day to day life is hard enough to manage without throwing more into the mix! Saying 1 month gives us both the time to explore and find out what we like and how we want to proceed with this lifestyle. I will keep the blog updated daily as part of my focus on FLM.
For the month of August, I will work on being more attentive and loving to her. I will not argue. We are at this point in our relationship because Lo7 is getting frustrated with my switching from loving sub to somewhat cold husband. This exercise I feel will give me time to explore my submissive side and try and bring it forward without the option of returning to the vanilla me. For Lo7 , she will be able to explore her Domme side with no pressure to try and fulfill my fantasies and have to opportunity to take more daily control ( Financial,domestic or whatever pleases her) and not have to worry about the arguments , only enjoy a more loving attentive husband. Some of you may be saying "but why a time limit, if this is truly a FLR it is always!" My response to that is , I think day to day life is hard enough to manage without throwing more into the mix! Saying 1 month gives us both the time to explore and find out what we like and how we want to proceed with this lifestyle. I will keep the blog updated daily as part of my focus on FLM.
Monday, June 29, 2009
we are alive
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Slowly but surely taking control..

The saga continues...This has become a huge undertaking, not an easy task to take control, particularly when Kb7 continues to fight it all the way. As Kb7 reveals his inner thoughts and the hurdles he needs to get over through our blog I can see improvements, we still have along way to go. Kb7 finds comfort in knowing other couples have the same struggles, but this is no excuse however.
June is a busy month with the kids sports, let me explain these pictures. For those of you who have been following our blogs you will recall the last weekend away with the boys and the requirement to wear the red lace panties I had packed and a picture as proof.
I sent Kb7 on his way after a very hot blow job, sucking, rubbing and licking him until his man hood was swollen and throbbing... the twist of course he wasn't allowed release. Kb7 laughed and wasn't completely surprised, I hope I'm not becoming too predictable! This weekend was a little different than the last game away, he had to share a bed with another dad. I instructed Kb7 what to wear the red lacy panties during the entire day, taking a picture of his butt (pretty cute in red lace), he didn't take a picture of his rock hard manhood and the pre-cum on the panties as I had instructed. His excuse came to light last night, he was afraid one of the roommates would hear the camera, and he nearly didn't obey at all and was prepared for the consequences of disobeying. STRIKE ONE!
Lat night I was teasing again, with my fingers and mouth, gently rubbing his hard cock barely touching it as I moved my hand up and down his shaft, as he began to pump and attempt to push himself against my hand, I told Kb7 he was not allowed to cum. Kb7 said I had better stop playing because he was getting dangerously close, I continued to caress and rub the cum over the top and down the shaft, at which time Kb7 began to moan and tremble, I pulled my hand away and said that is enough for tonight. Too late, Kb7 moaned OMG I'm cumming...STRIKE TWO! Of course I was expecting instant vanilla.
This morning, I teased again, half hearted as the tease is never as intense after you get release. To my surprise, Kb7 was hard and ready to go, I had Kb7 tease and tickle me until I came, Kb7 was denied.
I'm reaching out for some ideas, how long should I make him wait this time. Kb7 will be away again this weekend, any ideas? We get feedback and value all comments.
The red lacy panties hav ebecome the travelling panties.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
on the eighth day

Today I was allowed to cum after a friendly bet and winning by 1 stroke on the golf course. Of coarse not before our morning TEAse and a drive to the course with my hard cock exposed for Lo7s enjoyment, and endless teasing and rubbing on the course and then the long teasing ride home and finally some penis punishment and Pussy worship before I exploded in Lo7 hot pussy
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Day 7 No Release
Lo7 has taken her control to a new level, While we are still feeling out our respective places in the FLR way of life one solid fact has been established. I am much more attentive to Lo7's needs before I cum. This is nothing new to report and I think any FLR couple would say the same thing!
This is a reality Lo7 is realizing first hand. Lo7 is a very strong and giving, nurturing person and up until a couple of months ago, although Dominating and threatening long term denial, she was careful to make sure I was always sexually satisfied. This morning as I stood beside the bed pouring her tea, she proceeded to work her magic fingers on my hard pleading cock! As the pre- cum oozed and her fingers swirled the head of my cock, my legs shook and I could feel the pleasure, that I needed to feel so badly building. Lo7 read my body perfectly and as my cock started to swell and my eyes closed and body pushed into her hand, she Stopped! My eyes shot open and Her smile told me once again she was starting to enjoy this. Feeling playful she started again, within seconds the pleasure was back,(Lo7 has never gone this many days of bringing me to the edge and stopping) For the first time I was really not the one in control, I really did not know if I would cum today. Desperate for release I said to Lo7 "Please let me cum and I will gladly put the cage or panties on to keep my submissive side attentive to You. My knees where shaking and once again she stopped. When I looked at her this time I could see her mind racing,it was like a light went on in her head. My desperation for release that made me blurt out this promise may just be the start to our FLR out of the bedroom training program. Lo7 told me to get dressed and as I was getting ready for the day I could see her sipping her tea, thinking! I also was thinking! Right now i would gladly lock up or wear panties to feel the pleasure of Orgasm, but I know I wont be so willing once I cum.
I did ask Lo7 to post a message as I am sure everyone is getting tired of hearing my side all the time.
This is a reality Lo7 is realizing first hand. Lo7 is a very strong and giving, nurturing person and up until a couple of months ago, although Dominating and threatening long term denial, she was careful to make sure I was always sexually satisfied. This morning as I stood beside the bed pouring her tea, she proceeded to work her magic fingers on my hard pleading cock! As the pre- cum oozed and her fingers swirled the head of my cock, my legs shook and I could feel the pleasure, that I needed to feel so badly building. Lo7 read my body perfectly and as my cock started to swell and my eyes closed and body pushed into her hand, she Stopped! My eyes shot open and Her smile told me once again she was starting to enjoy this. Feeling playful she started again, within seconds the pleasure was back,(Lo7 has never gone this many days of bringing me to the edge and stopping) For the first time I was really not the one in control, I really did not know if I would cum today. Desperate for release I said to Lo7 "Please let me cum and I will gladly put the cage or panties on to keep my submissive side attentive to You. My knees where shaking and once again she stopped. When I looked at her this time I could see her mind racing,it was like a light went on in her head. My desperation for release that made me blurt out this promise may just be the start to our FLR out of the bedroom training program. Lo7 told me to get dressed and as I was getting ready for the day I could see her sipping her tea, thinking! I also was thinking! Right now i would gladly lock up or wear panties to feel the pleasure of Orgasm, but I know I wont be so willing once I cum.
I did ask Lo7 to post a message as I am sure everyone is getting tired of hearing my side all the time.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Who Knew Being Submissive was not as easy as in my Fantasies
Life in my head was a dream world, Lo7 took control and my little head was happy and submissive!
The reality of it is not quite like the fantasy! For the last few weeks I seem to have lost interest in the Blog and my submissive side seemed to be having trouble coming out naturally. This was frustrating to me and especially Lo7 who was enjoying the submissive kb7's doting loving ways. It took a chat with Miss Honey to straighten my "big head" out. I explained to Miss Honey the frustration Lo7 and myself were feeling. At this point I must say that I am probably the luckiest man alive to have a patient understanding loving woman like Lo7 who is working so hard to make my fantasy a reality. Upon chatting with Miss Honey she helped me realize why I had been losing my submissive desires. I was a submissive that was totally in control and Lo7 was doing everything I wanted to fulfill my submissive sexual fantasies. When I close my eyes I get excited and very submissive picturing Lo7 dressed Like the professional woman she is, confidence oozing from her knowing she is in complete control. At first Miss Honey's Suggestions did not really make my little head happy, but the more I realized I was topping from the bottom the more I realized she was absolutely right and my visions of Lo7 put me right back in my submissive state(along with Lo7's decision to bring me to the edge every morning this week but not allow orgasm). Below is a list of Miss Honey Suggestions
1) Take the sex out of the Dominance for now.
2) Lo7 should not be denied, so my tongue , toys or any way Lo7 requires pleasure she will have it.
3) Denial may not be necessary Masturbating at Lo7's discretion in a dark room with no stimulation may prove to be a use full training tool.
4) Lo7 should explore what brings her pleasure from a Female Led Lifestyle and spend time training me providing her pleasure to truly bring out my submissive side. This could be as simple as preparing a cup of tea and listening to how her day went. Or extreme like kneeling while she eats and waiting and eating the scraps from her plate when she is finished. What ever she wants.
Lo7 knows I am writing this and I hope it helps her to understand her power over me.
I guess we will have to wait and see
Thank you Miss Honey
The reality of it is not quite like the fantasy! For the last few weeks I seem to have lost interest in the Blog and my submissive side seemed to be having trouble coming out naturally. This was frustrating to me and especially Lo7 who was enjoying the submissive kb7's doting loving ways. It took a chat with Miss Honey to straighten my "big head" out. I explained to Miss Honey the frustration Lo7 and myself were feeling. At this point I must say that I am probably the luckiest man alive to have a patient understanding loving woman like Lo7 who is working so hard to make my fantasy a reality. Upon chatting with Miss Honey she helped me realize why I had been losing my submissive desires. I was a submissive that was totally in control and Lo7 was doing everything I wanted to fulfill my submissive sexual fantasies. When I close my eyes I get excited and very submissive picturing Lo7 dressed Like the professional woman she is, confidence oozing from her knowing she is in complete control. At first Miss Honey's Suggestions did not really make my little head happy, but the more I realized I was topping from the bottom the more I realized she was absolutely right and my visions of Lo7 put me right back in my submissive state(along with Lo7's decision to bring me to the edge every morning this week but not allow orgasm). Below is a list of Miss Honey Suggestions
1) Take the sex out of the Dominance for now.
2) Lo7 should not be denied, so my tongue , toys or any way Lo7 requires pleasure she will have it.
3) Denial may not be necessary Masturbating at Lo7's discretion in a dark room with no stimulation may prove to be a use full training tool.
4) Lo7 should explore what brings her pleasure from a Female Led Lifestyle and spend time training me providing her pleasure to truly bring out my submissive side. This could be as simple as preparing a cup of tea and listening to how her day went. Or extreme like kneeling while she eats and waiting and eating the scraps from her plate when she is finished. What ever she wants.
Lo7 knows I am writing this and I hope it helps her to understand her power over me.
I guess we will have to wait and see
Thank you Miss Honey
Friday, May 29, 2009
With the Children full swing in sports, life especially ours takes a back seat.
I have been following other blogs and appreciate that we are not the only couple struggling with this lifestyle. I struggle mentally being a male raised to hide all emotion, be strong and lead at all costs. Lo7 struggle with the fact that I have confessed my submissiveness to her but it seems to be on My terms. I truly Love lo7 and want to prove I can live this lifestyle we have come to enjoy.
I have been following other blogs and appreciate that we are not the only couple struggling with this lifestyle. I struggle mentally being a male raised to hide all emotion, be strong and lead at all costs. Lo7 struggle with the fact that I have confessed my submissiveness to her but it seems to be on My terms. I truly Love lo7 and want to prove I can live this lifestyle we have come to enjoy.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Attitude Adjustment

After an evening of too many sarcastic remarks and plenty of warnings that I might be caged come Saturday morning...I'm caged! Lo7 was getting ready in our en suite, she was bent over the sink in her lacy black thong, I came up behind her and started pumping from behind, she was amused with my frustration, not being able to feel the lace through the hard plastic, had me take this picture to have etched in my mind until I am able to release or get released! Me and my big mouth!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Struggling to take control
Mixed messages is what I am hearing, and on your terms only. After reading a blog I had read I had made a comment to Kb7 about denying him for 5 weeks, an instant response came from his lips before he had a moment to think, "NO WAY! that's way too long" or the other morning just before Kb7 was about to leave for work, I began rubbing and messaging his manhood through his pants, he was feeling as though this was an invitation for a quickie, so I continued to lead him on. I rubbed the pre-cum over the tip of his penis until I could feel his legs tremble and body begin to shake. I stopped! "OH NO, that was cruel and unexpected"....Isn't this the name of the game!
Shouldn't Kb7 be grateful and appreciate whatever comes his way? Who decides what is fair and equitable behaviour? Who is calling the shots ? Still too much vanilla for my liking:)
Seems we get into this situation too often, how do we move forward?
Shouldn't Kb7 be grateful and appreciate whatever comes his way? Who decides what is fair and equitable behaviour? Who is calling the shots ? Still too much vanilla for my liking:)
Seems we get into this situation too often, how do we move forward?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Question Period
As we journey down the road Of Female Led Lifestyle Questions often arise that we need to turn to the blog to answer. Today Lo7 asked what I was going to do for her that is non sexual?" I figured "tea time" is non sexual. L07 agreed, and made a good point that we had turned it sexual by me serving her naked and always hard. I was stumped, so I ask any followers for comments and experiences. In my fantasies serving was always of a sexual nature but in real life I suppose we have to have some day to day services and rituals that must be performed to solidify the FLR Lifestyle. I guess one question I must ask Lo7 is how much control do she want? I have been reviewing some of my favorite blogs and have learned services and rituals vary from the Female controlling Diet, alcohol and tobacco intake to finance and domestic duties. Then there is the body service, I can think of nothing more pleasurable than to take care of Lo7's feet, from massaging, painting toes,foot baths and kissing her pretty little toes. This may be deemed as sexual again as this is a turn on for me! How come my thoughts revert back to my desires, lo7 isn't as forthcoming with her desires as I am. Any thoughts or comments?
Saturday, May 9, 2009
slave recieves kings treatment
Lo7 had her fun,She released me from the cage as she promised at 6:30 pm. She then proceeded to tease, a job she has become quite well at. Lo7 informed me I would not cum now but "maybe later", hard and following her like a puppy we did a few errands then we went out for dinner. During dinner, while teasing me with her foot under the table, Lo7 said that she decided I should wait until Sunday to cum! She laughed at the look on my face. ( I don't like to make these updates too long so I will keep to the point) Home and in bed the teasing continues... All the sudden Lo7 says"if you could cum ,how would you like it to happen? Before she could finish, Blow job was out of my mouth and my cock was in hers. It did not take long before I was shaking with pleasure from my ears to my toes . Lo7 used her tongue to bring me to the edge and then climbed on me with the heat and wetness of her hot pussy pushed me over. IT WAS WORTH THE WAIT not that I had a choice. As we lay in each others arms after Lo7 commented on how controlling me was really starting to make her wet and horny. She has also on a couple of occasions since then commented on how she OWNS my cock now! and has informed me exactly how she wants me shaved and that she wants me to get a piercing. I guess I am one of the lucky few men who have found the woman I have always dreamed of
I Love you Lo7
I Love you Lo7
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Just as Lo7 Promised
Just a quick update
Yes I am in The Chastity cage and Yes I was taken to the edge and no Lo7 did not let me cum Last night! At lunch today I mentioned how I could not wait for my release time (6:30PM) Lo7 looked at me smiled and said "now wouldn't that be too predictable to let you out when I said I would". Oh no what have I done free and hard is so much more comfortable
Yes I am in The Chastity cage and Yes I was taken to the edge and no Lo7 did not let me cum Last night! At lunch today I mentioned how I could not wait for my release time (6:30PM) Lo7 looked at me smiled and said "now wouldn't that be too predictable to let you out when I said I would". Oh no what have I done free and hard is so much more comfortable
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Caged vs Hard, Denial vs Orgasm
I seem to have opened a can of worms. Since I introduced Lo7 to this lifestyle we have learned together about Chasity and Denial. Lo7 although confident and naturally dominant she is also very Loving, nurturing and always wanting to please everyone. I had fantasies of Chastity and bought a cage. Lo7's take on Chastity was that it was a punishment and did not like me to have it on much, Just as her take on Denial was that it was almost cruel! This was a relief to me because in my fantasies I was still hard thinking about being caged but actually being in the cage was frustrating and some what uncomfortable. Well My last Chastity post and a post by Miss Honey Has changed Lo7's way of thinking. Last night as she worked her fingers on my hard cock she explained how she had been thinking that maybe Chastity was not a punishment but more of a training tool. She kept playing with me letting it sink in blocking any attempts by me to fondle her hard very responsive nipples... And maybe denial was OK because it sure kept my mind on her pleasure. Well Long story short she drove me to the edge many times not letting me cum and then would not let me touch her as she brought herself to an explosive orgasm, only letting me get her a warm cloth to clean up. I made one huge mistake, after we had cuddled up to each other she started stroking me saying ,I cant go to sleep without you cumming, I smiled and said I knew it! lo7 sat up and said Am I that predictable? I scrambled No I just knew you would want to please me. Her hand came off me as she lay back down. Come to think of it I like you better before you cum.. so go to sleep and don't try anything . Well needless to say it was a long night and in the morning Lo7 was quick to start playing with me again. She teased then had me serve her tea.She said I had a choice, wear the cage today and be free and hard tomorrow or the opposite free and hard today cage tomorrow. I chose cage tomorrow because I am hoping she will let me cum tonight, so the strain of a hard on against the cage will not be as bad. Lo7 is very interested in denial and Chasity now and has asked me to publish this post to get some feed back on how other Domme women use these tools to "make better husbands".
PS A sarcastic thank you to Miss Honey for peaking Lo7's interest in the cage
PS A sarcastic thank you to Miss Honey for peaking Lo7's interest in the cage
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Lo7 was not impressed with my Chasity post, She reminded me that "SHE MAKES THE RULES" and even though at this time she does prefer me un caged that may change at any moment. Just to make sure I understood the cage went on after work Friday and she said it was on for a minimum 2 weeks.As we got ready for a retirement party Lo7 had a couple glasses of wine. Which made her become very playful and her mindset was very dangerous, She was teasing me constantly about being locked up and how when we danced she liked to feel cock against her. I was getting nervous and feeling jealous . A very sexy red dress, sheer stockings, black lacy panties and bra was what Lo7 was wearing this night. I know she will turn heads she always does, I was not sure I liked this I think Lo7 sensed this and came over to me as I was putting on my pants (no underwear to hold me in place as requested by Lo7) she kissed me hard on the mouth and grabbed my cage, Ah poor boy all locked up. I guess I will have to dance with some one else to feel cock tonight! I was horrified I knew she was teasing, but her saying those words made me so jealous, still my cock ached in it's cage. When we arrived I quickly take Lo7's coat get us a drink and find our table with some good friends. LO7 gave me a kiss and said thank you and as she grabbed my cage under the table and Whispered in my ear" I guess this thing really works in keeping you focused on me"! As we mingle and have a good time, I spend the night basically at her beck and call trying to please her and stay at her side. We kiss and hug more than usual. I slowly started to let my guard down until she whispers in my ear ,"look at that hottie" I bet he doesn't have his cock all locked up ! and as I look over I see Lo7 licking her lips as she fondles the key to my cock prison around her neck. Yum is all she says as gets up and walks towards him... Panicking I call but she says I will be right back. Never telling me that she knew this guy and his wife from work and he was happily married. From were I sit I see Lo7 smiling and talking I am mad with jealousy, flashes of Lo7 dressing go through my head I cant take it I get up and start toward her, just as I approach she turns and says Hi Hon hold my drink Jim asked me to dance . Dumbfounded I take her drink and stand watching her dance Lo7 is so sexy I am so jealous and turned on at the same time. Lo7 danced with what seemed like every male in the hall, most I swear where hitting on her. I was so happy when the lights came on. On the way home Lo7 said gee honey all the girls commented again on how attentive your are and how you are so doating over me ....grabbing my cage.... I guess your lucky I enjoy my big dildo and your tongue or you would be sleeping in the basement tonight.... ah and don't worry 2 weeks isn't really that long. As I came into our bedroom I noticed a ping pong paddle sitting next to the bed, Lo7 smiled and said OK now we must reinforce the punishment with a little pain, I think you have had nearly enough humiliation and torture tonight, she sat on a chair and had me undress and to finish my humiliation for the evening had me lay over her knee. She squeezed my cock and cage between her thighs and with every slap of the paddle on my ass I knew she was getting more turned on. I was in pain but at the same time my cock was aching to feel her thighs without the cage. The wine and the spanking had Lo7 so horny she dropped the paddle and pulled me by the hair in to her wet pussy I licked with all the skill I had learned from her and that was all I needed to do, she pushed me to the floor and almost ripped the cage off leaving the ring behind my balls my cock was red and hard and she road me to a hot,hot orgasm for both of us. Her last words before falling asleep where "don't ever assume you know how you will serve! we kissed and proclaimed our love to each other and went to sleep. Kb7
Tea Time
Rise and shine its time for my tea. What a great view watching Kb7s bare red bottom disappear around the corner off to the kitchen to prepare my tea. What a fabulous night we had last night, Kb7 plans to share the details. As I was laying waiting for tea, I reflected back on the night and began to please myself, wanting Kb7 to come back and watch I heard the washing machine go on! LAUNDRY...whats on his mind! I continue to become more aroused and began playing with my nipples, I couldn't believe how turned on I was, given the fact we had hot kinky sex until the wee hours of the morning! Kb7 appeared with my tea in the nice little pot I picked up from the antique shop, my favorite china cup and the beautiful cream and sugar china set which had once belonged to kb7s mom all neatly arranged on a tray. The look of Kb7s hard on had me wanting him back inside me, that would be too predictable and what Kb7 would have wanted. I had him stand beside the bed and I began stroking and rubbing his pre-cum over the head and just behind his head, that always sends Kb7 into uncontrollable twitching...yum! I aloud Kb7 to set the tray down, good idea! Continuing to please myself, by know I am wet and dripping. I guess it is true the more you get the more you want. Kb7 tried to climb in bed and touch, I informed him he wasn't aloud to touch me, I was for my own pleasures this morning. I brought myself to an explosive orgasm, Kb7 was pushing himself into my hand....wanting for me to continue on so he would cum. Denial has begun, I pulled my hand away and gave him the "evil smile" he knows oh so well, and informed him that he is much more attentive and submissive when he has only two things in his head, me and the desire for me to allow him to cum. Time to get busy, we have a lot to get done today. Happy Saturday.Lo7
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Chasity devices
As we travel down the FLR road Lo7 is finding that having me not in a cage but instead free and hard is more to her liking. Control means that I must obey, period. The feeling of frustration as she brings me to the edge then stops is far more effective for our Domme/sub relationship than locking me up and not touching me. This free and hard chasity is also more of a mind control, I never know until the time cums if I will cuml! Lo7 may respond to my sexual advances and we may make Hot sweaty Love, or she may not! Either way in this lifestyle the choice is all hers, so our cage is a mind cage, my cock is there and hard but it is not for me to touch without Lo7's permission. I suppose she may make me use the plastic cage and lock as more of a punishment tool to remind me who runs the show, but I think we both would rather use the mind control Chastity to keep me locked up
Monday, April 27, 2009
I have been doing the homework Lo7 has requested, Reading Blogs and reporting to her things that may be important to a Domme/sub lifestyle. We both realize that we cant be into this 24/7 so rituals are very important.I have always served Lo7 tea in the morning, even before we started exploring this lifestyle, but this morning my daily tea delivery became my reminder of who really is in charge.Lo7 can do things with her tongue and hands that would drive any man wild(I think you know what I mean) anyway I was laying there eyes closed her tongue skillfully overpowering me when all the sudden she stopped and said get my tea hon! I jumped up and ran to put the kettle on and got right back, When I returned she was sitting up in bed smiling she then proceeded to inform me that we would not be finishing what we started and that I was to shower while the tea was steeping and then serve her, naked and hard! Hoping she would give in I obeyed, staying hard was not a problem knowing what her tongue Can do and the image of her sitting in bed with the confident I am queen look. I served her tea and stood naked waiting. She reached out and stroked my penis and I closed my eyes but the stroking was short and my eyes opened quickly when she informed me that I would not be cumming this morning. She went on to say that she noticed that when aroused I was very affectionate and doting, but when I came the affection was almost forced and I was not as accommodating. She implemented some changes into our morning tea ritual to keep me constantly aware of my status in our relationship. From today on I must serve her tea naked and hard, she also added that if I sensed her mood to be that of her not wanting to see me naked and hard then boxers where expected, she then went on to say that if my attitude was not to her liking naked and hard would be changed to panties and hard to remind me that control was a word I could not use to describe my part in our relationship.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Love and Obey
Just a quick note to tell everyone following that Lo7 and I seem to be finding our roles in this lovestyle.This has made us both fall in love again (not that we did not love each other). It seems now that I look at her through the eyes of an 18 year old boy in love and lust for the first time! We both enjoy spending an evening on the computer reading blogs ,learning and exploring how others live.The one thing I cant help but notice is many men hide this Kinky lovestyle from their wives/girl friends. TELL Her!!! You only go around once, don't keep this submissive desire from her. Anyway We will get be back to posting Kinky messages and pictures.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
My night away with the Boys!

Through out the whole trip I was nervous and restless,Any guy who has been away on a kids sports trip knows You cant just get to the Hotel and spend a half hour in the bathroom with out a good excuse. As we pulled into the town and I started to rub the knot out of my shoulder the light went on in my head! After the kids had settled and the other dad had cracked a beer I said man this shoulder need a soaking I cant even twist the cap off my beer. With the excuse in place I retired to the bathroom to do as my wife had instructed. Shave, Lock up and "gulp" put on your new panties!
Now believe me when I say I have never owned a pair of panties never mind red and lacy. To make matters worse she gave them to me after we had some incredible sex so my submissive side was not in the fore front. I had no choice I was instructed to take pictures and post them here. As I started to lather up and get going it did not take long for the submissive man to come back after a few pictures and the cage in place i slipped on the panties my manhood strained against the plastic prison and even though I had the key I knew from the image in my head of the beautiful woman I adore sitting back at home chatting on the phone to a friend sipping wine glancing up at the clock knowing at that time I was locked up and in panties the evil smile I imagined I knew I must obey and the straining against my cage also proved I wanted too.. Just a normal night away with the boys! Well I am guessing it is now...
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Proof I will obey
In response to my lovers post. Thank You for your loving words and Yes i do fight my desires I think any Man,Human for that matter would fight for control.However some of us get a wonderful sexual high from giving up control.This should benefit both parties mine for the thrill and more importantly Yours for the Very deserving right to be treated like the Queen you are. I think deep down you are afraid you will get bored with "having it all" This is another reason I resist. I think we can both learn from others the "Thrill of the Hunt" and "Victory of the Capture" I know you know me very well and we both know i may be submissive but i am not "pussy whipped" !
That said i do have a suggestion to prove i will show my committed love to you and assign my own punishment for the lack of respect
How about this weekend on my short trip away. I wear the cage with a plastic serial number lock, I will take a camera and a cell and take pictures at your request of myself to prove i am wearing the device. What if i am in an accident ? well I think knowing the cage is in place will probably remind me to drive with extra caution! This could prove to be a very interesting and keep me very aware of the cage since I will be sharing a hotel room! to further make this interesting If you wish i will hold of cumming from now until you release me from the cage.
i love you LO7
That said i do have a suggestion to prove i will show my committed love to you and assign my own punishment for the lack of respect
How about this weekend on my short trip away. I wear the cage with a plastic serial number lock, I will take a camera and a cell and take pictures at your request of myself to prove i am wearing the device. What if i am in an accident ? well I think knowing the cage is in place will probably remind me to drive with extra caution! This could prove to be a very interesting and keep me very aware of the cage since I will be sharing a hotel room! to further make this interesting If you wish i will hold of cumming from now until you release me from the cage.
i love you LO7
Monday, April 13, 2009
Praise and Rewards
April 13, 2009
What a wonderful tribute to our new life style! Your testimony is truly sincere with feelings from your heart, well done!It has become apparent this blog is a source for you to search deep within your soul , others may benefit from our story...as it appears we are learning others share our desires and fantasies and have began communicating with some of our favorite people.
What a wonderful tribute to our new life style! Your testimony is truly sincere with feelings from your heart, well done!It has become apparent this blog is a source for you to search deep within your soul , others may benefit from our story...as it appears we are learning others share our desires and fantasies and have began communicating with some of our favorite people.
This past few weeks....and my side of it.
Following minor surgery, with strict instructions from my surgeon "no intercourse" not what your partner wants to here...but, it's not all about him is it girls?!? I wasn't feeling much like having sex, let alone discussing when we would be able to resume sex. I was able to recognized and appreciated what a great bed side slave you had become. You do operate a very demanding business with clients who are much more demanding than I am, IMAGINE that!..Doctors orders or not, the last thing I felt like was penetration. I became disheartened and lost interest after this particular incident happened.
Knowing the Doctor knows best, I casually suggested you put the cage on for the next month,after all, why should I be the only one to do without! your response "NO WAY! that's too long" End of conversation for me. This is the struggle I have, the "GAME" is on your terms and your terms only! Remember this is your desire, I am the willing participant...because I truly believe I could become accustomed to this lifestyle. I love to be in control in most every aspect of my life, why not sexually?! BUT, why should I have to do all the work, this isn't something that is coming naturally to me, I feel as though you need to share your desires or have others contact me with ideas you DESIRE!,
I feel as though this response is relevant to our life style, too busy with our careers to take care of each other...Of course I do have plenty more to say, this is my version to our story. I am seeking advise and feedback for punishment and more importantly getting something from this for ME..after all it's all about my pleasure right?
Babe, I love you and want to please you as much as you do me, but I do CUM first! xoxoxo lo7
Knowing the Doctor knows best, I casually suggested you put the cage on for the next month,after all, why should I be the only one to do without! your response "NO WAY! that's too long" End of conversation for me. This is the struggle I have, the "GAME" is on your terms and your terms only! Remember this is your desire, I am the willing participant...because I truly believe I could become accustomed to this lifestyle. I love to be in control in most every aspect of my life, why not sexually?! BUT, why should I have to do all the work, this isn't something that is coming naturally to me, I feel as though you need to share your desires or have others contact me with ideas you DESIRE!,
I feel as though this response is relevant to our life style, too busy with our careers to take care of each other...Of course I do have plenty more to say, this is my version to our story. I am seeking advise and feedback for punishment and more importantly getting something from this for ME..after all it's all about my pleasure right?
Babe, I love you and want to please you as much as you do me, but I do CUM first! xoxoxo lo7
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter
Easter Sunday Update
The Weekend did not have the excitement of a Female Dominated household that I am sure anyone following would like to read about. What it did have was Love and happy times, You see I did remind my lover on Thursday I was hers for the weekend and I really got into my "sub space " My goal was to please her and do all I could to make a Happy Easter! Now my lover fully understands and gets into the Kinky side of Fem Domme. The mental side of control which is a huge turn on for me, she is not sure where to go with it because I have trouble communicating this side of the lifestyle to her. I have asked another Domme woman with a blog if she could help us out, I was thinking that maybe another woman explaining Power to her may make it all make sense . Any way I will keep you all posted as our journey unfolds. And yes pictures will be coming! we both love to take kinky photos and post them for all to see .
The Weekend did not have the excitement of a Female Dominated household that I am sure anyone following would like to read about. What it did have was Love and happy times, You see I did remind my lover on Thursday I was hers for the weekend and I really got into my "sub space " My goal was to please her and do all I could to make a Happy Easter! Now my lover fully understands and gets into the Kinky side of Fem Domme. The mental side of control which is a huge turn on for me, she is not sure where to go with it because I have trouble communicating this side of the lifestyle to her. I have asked another Domme woman with a blog if she could help us out, I was thinking that maybe another woman explaining Power to her may make it all make sense . Any way I will keep you all posted as our journey unfolds. And yes pictures will be coming! we both love to take kinky photos and post them for all to see .
Friday, April 3, 2009
New Beginings
This quote I borrowed from the Blog Femdom101 and thought it was fitting to start this post:
"It is often said that strong women want equally strong men. The answer is that takes a strong man to tell his wife of his need for female dominance. It takes an even stronger man to live the life of an obedient or slave husband."
To my Lover, Friend and Mistress
As I write this I realize we are drifting apart, I do not want that! You know me though, Stubborn Male Ego. I have a problem saying sorry or making the first move.
So Once again I turn to the Blog to help me communicate my thoughts. Here we go again, I know you are thinking "it's all about you" I thought I was the Mistress here and you are submissive. Well you are right and I have searched a lot of blogs and read and came up with a plan to get us back on track.
You know how much We both enjoy when we play the Mistress-Submissive on a sexual level. We seem really to connect and are very loving during these times. I get charged up being at your beck and call and can think of nowhere I would rather be. My plan is to do a trial in real life, say Easter weekend! From Thursday after work until Sunday night I will be completely Submissive to you. This will be interesting because there will be friends and family all weekend so it will be a total mind game and completely out of the bedroom, with the understanding that what you say goes without question! and that I absolutely must get your approval on everything YOU require. My appearance, what I eat, drink or any recreation time, spending etc. What makes this exciting for me is that it will be Our secret and thinking of it now I believe the weekend will be full of quick smiles and glances, touching fondling and stolen Kisses, as well as stern reminders of the situation. Sounds wonderful right? So what happens when my stubborn male ego kicks in? That is what you are probably thinking right now, because we both know it will probably show up at some point. Well that is where my recent blog searches have shed light to this problem.
Example 1: I read in one blog where a wife had the same problem, She was getting frustrated and confused with her husband's fantasies being "at his convenience." Let me stop and explain the male brain a bit here. Males who seek to be submissive to there wives/girl friends Have VERY STRONG CRAVINGS but after sexual release or some other event that kicks our egos back in control we revolt, but we know that this feeling to submit will come back and it seems that every time they get a little STRONGER.I think the women in these examples realize the feelings keep coming back and have come up with clever ways control this ego problem.
This Wife used a simple form of humiliation to correct the problem. The wife simply told the husband when he was in his submissive mode that if she sensed his stubbornness coming back from that point on She would simply say "time for the punishment panties" and that meant the ego had to go, and the husband wore a pair of panties during the day and a teddy at night to remind him of his Status at home until she was satisfied his ego was a bay . Plain and simple if he refused GAME OVER.
Example 2:
Again the wife is fed up with the submissive one minute stubborn the next, She solved this by Punishing him for poor behavior but most importantly following through EVERY TIME
for any infraction from domestic chore instructions not followed (Punishment was a strapping and then stand in the corner naked with a stinging Bum nose to the wall for her amusement) To keep his male ego in check he was required to ask every night if he may share HER bed. If She refused for ANY reason he was made to sleep on the floor at her feet, pillow and only a sheet. And like the last couple any resistance meant GAME OVER.
The incident that got my mind back on track I think you will remember. We where getting ready to return home from our weekend getaway with the kids Out of the blue you said "hold my purse while I use the rest room." I said just put it on the table I will watch it. As you where walking away you said "I said hold it" this was a turn on, But the bigger turn on and what made me fall in love with you more is the fact that you did not even turn around to see if I was holding it, you where confident I would obey and when you returned you thanked me, as if it was all normal. I wanted you so bad all the way home. That is why i think this could really help our relationship! I know the affection is crucial to us being one, and if that little incident is any example i will be thinking of ways to touch and be close to you 24/7 Easter weekend.
So I guess what i am saying is I want to prove my love to you and yes the submissiveness is a Strong part of me that keeps getting stronger ever since I shared it with you. I will gladly submit to all your requests, demands and punishments for the weekend.and come Sunday we can discuss How and to what level we want to proceed. I Love You Baby
Kept By7
"It is often said that strong women want equally strong men. The answer is that takes a strong man to tell his wife of his need for female dominance. It takes an even stronger man to live the life of an obedient or slave husband."
To my Lover, Friend and Mistress
As I write this I realize we are drifting apart, I do not want that! You know me though, Stubborn Male Ego. I have a problem saying sorry or making the first move.
So Once again I turn to the Blog to help me communicate my thoughts. Here we go again, I know you are thinking "it's all about you" I thought I was the Mistress here and you are submissive. Well you are right and I have searched a lot of blogs and read and came up with a plan to get us back on track.
You know how much We both enjoy when we play the Mistress-Submissive on a sexual level. We seem really to connect and are very loving during these times. I get charged up being at your beck and call and can think of nowhere I would rather be. My plan is to do a trial in real life, say Easter weekend! From Thursday after work until Sunday night I will be completely Submissive to you. This will be interesting because there will be friends and family all weekend so it will be a total mind game and completely out of the bedroom, with the understanding that what you say goes without question! and that I absolutely must get your approval on everything YOU require. My appearance, what I eat, drink or any recreation time, spending etc. What makes this exciting for me is that it will be Our secret and thinking of it now I believe the weekend will be full of quick smiles and glances, touching fondling and stolen Kisses, as well as stern reminders of the situation. Sounds wonderful right? So what happens when my stubborn male ego kicks in? That is what you are probably thinking right now, because we both know it will probably show up at some point. Well that is where my recent blog searches have shed light to this problem.
Example 1: I read in one blog where a wife had the same problem, She was getting frustrated and confused with her husband's fantasies being "at his convenience." Let me stop and explain the male brain a bit here. Males who seek to be submissive to there wives/girl friends Have VERY STRONG CRAVINGS but after sexual release or some other event that kicks our egos back in control we revolt, but we know that this feeling to submit will come back and it seems that every time they get a little STRONGER.I think the women in these examples realize the feelings keep coming back and have come up with clever ways control this ego problem.
This Wife used a simple form of humiliation to correct the problem. The wife simply told the husband when he was in his submissive mode that if she sensed his stubbornness coming back from that point on She would simply say "time for the punishment panties" and that meant the ego had to go, and the husband wore a pair of panties during the day and a teddy at night to remind him of his Status at home until she was satisfied his ego was a bay . Plain and simple if he refused GAME OVER.
Example 2:
Again the wife is fed up with the submissive one minute stubborn the next, She solved this by Punishing him for poor behavior but most importantly following through EVERY TIME
for any infraction from domestic chore instructions not followed (Punishment was a strapping and then stand in the corner naked with a stinging Bum nose to the wall for her amusement) To keep his male ego in check he was required to ask every night if he may share HER bed. If She refused for ANY reason he was made to sleep on the floor at her feet, pillow and only a sheet. And like the last couple any resistance meant GAME OVER.
The incident that got my mind back on track I think you will remember. We where getting ready to return home from our weekend getaway with the kids Out of the blue you said "hold my purse while I use the rest room." I said just put it on the table I will watch it. As you where walking away you said "I said hold it" this was a turn on, But the bigger turn on and what made me fall in love with you more is the fact that you did not even turn around to see if I was holding it, you where confident I would obey and when you returned you thanked me, as if it was all normal. I wanted you so bad all the way home. That is why i think this could really help our relationship! I know the affection is crucial to us being one, and if that little incident is any example i will be thinking of ways to touch and be close to you 24/7 Easter weekend.
So I guess what i am saying is I want to prove my love to you and yes the submissiveness is a Strong part of me that keeps getting stronger ever since I shared it with you. I will gladly submit to all your requests, demands and punishments for the weekend.and come Sunday we can discuss How and to what level we want to proceed. I Love You Baby
Kept By7
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Another Month
Hi Again, March is almost gone and once again life has taken the drivers seat. I guess most of us are in the same boat, I hope to have some time in April to up-date every one on our Journey
Kept by7
Kept by7
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
House maid for a day....
Oh what a night...one of the kids had the stomach flu, subsequently one of us had to stay up all night to nurture, nothing better than a moms love when you aren't well. Come 6:00 am I was utterly exhausted! I took a "family care day" from work which resulted in me becoming maid mom and tackling some early Spring cleaning, you know the sort of work that no-one notices but is always a job well done. While my lover maintains the chores, every so often you need to do a deep cleaning. Quite like sex in some ways, dildos, masturbation, ticklers etc are satisying the desire for penetration deep within is most satisfying and necessary at times. Back to my day...so easy to get off track, after nearly 10 hours, spring cleaning well under way with dinner in the oven (ribs, my lovers favorite) I felt much obliged for the job my lover does for me...he doesn't gripe just looks forward to any praise or rewards which he is deserving of. A quick bubble bath and a glass of red wine, dinner, lunches, kids to bed...time for us! Time for the cage to come off, I wanted a damn good shag, no making love for this maid mom tonight. My lover is always up for a good shag he is off for quick shower, while he was in the shower I took control of the cage which was soaking in the sink Ordering my lover to lay beside me... giving him full praise for the allegiance and devotion to our lifestyle, feeling him against my leg with pre-cum, I realized he wasn't listening to a word I was saying! I knew an explosive orgasm is what this maid mom needed, no foreplay permitted, do not cum before me, suck my breast, bury your tongue deep in my mouth....deep, hard thrust....I exploded first, the pressure was off, thinking he had all the time in the world to relish in the fact the cage was off..wrong, I gave my honey 30 second to cum or else it was back in the cage until next time...what a great slave you have become. I love you xoxox
Monday, March 9, 2009

Hello fellow people of this lifestyle, Ladyof7 and i where talking about this way of life and would like some input from anyone who has some to offer. We are very new to this and would like to learn more. What we are looking for is:
A) What would you like to hear from Ladyof7 in this blog
B) Have the posts been interesting & informative so far, what can keptby7 do to make the blog better.
C) Pictures, what would you like to see?
D) being new to this lifestyle we need Ideas & scenarios we can act out. Most of ours come from keptby7 fantasies. we want something new that maybe he might not want to do but needs to prove his submission by doing it.
E) Punishment ideas.
thank you in advance to anyone who replies to this. We will definatly keep everyone imformed
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Control in public
Last night was a first, We were at some friends house and after a few to many wines Ladyof7 started to make comments on Chasity and Fem Domme I laughed it off in front of our friends. Inside I was scared and turned on not knowing how far she would go with it. It did not go on as i changed the subject quickly and Ladyof7 let it go, But this made me think it would be a real turn on if we did it secretly in public. maybe I would not be allowed to have a drink without Ladyof7's permission this could happen if say my glass is empty and someone says more wine? I glance lady's glass is not empty and there is no gesture from her saying it is OK so i say no thank you . Ladyof7 finishes her wine and i ask if she would like a refill and she says yes thank you if you are going to have one or yes since your not having more I will and you can drive. I think the secret controll is probably one of my biggest turn ons as well as the thrill of ladyof7 publicly displaying suttle power she has over me
Monday, March 2, 2009
My Lover arrived home last night tired from her trip. I did not want to bother her with the Blog Changes But wanted her to relax and enjoy being home. I will show her tonight. One thing I am curious about is that I seem to crave to submit to my lovers control the more my every day life fills with stress. Could this be a form of escape for me? I guess I am just starting to understand myself more the more I write my comments here.I am also hoping the woman I love will also read and understand better what is going on in my head as My Communication skills are not the best.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
While my Lover is away I have been doing some Blog House cleaning. I have created an account for My lover to post comments from. I cant wait until she get home
Friday, February 27, 2009

My Lover is out of town until Sunday , Maybe she will check this . If not i hope to show her Sunday night
Febuary is almost gone and Life has kept us from posting. My goal in march is to post daily!
Pictures , yes lots of pictures. I am following a blog By Mistress Lady Vixen and adonis. I am learning that the blog can be a great communication tool between Sub and Mistress. So stay tuned!
Pictures , yes lots of pictures. I am following a blog By Mistress Lady Vixen and adonis. I am learning that the blog can be a great communication tool between Sub and Mistress. So stay tuned!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
SPANKED>fantasy to Reality. I am still a little shocked
Your only response was "You started this" as you ignored my pleas, had me drop my pants and position myself over your knees. My Cage slid between your nylon clad legs As I lowered my body onto you. The lack of feeling but knowledge that the only thing between my penis and your legs was a piece of plastic, blood rushing to the caged my member trying to make it grow hard. frustrated and slightly humiliated I lay there waiting, squirming Begging. "Who's the Boss" You said over my whining, I did not reply just kept pleading for release. Disbelief and terror where my feelings when the surprise of the belt hit my bottom at full force. "Do I need to ask again?" was all I heard as the belt came down again.Through the stinging and burning I moaned "You are ,you are please stop!!!"
It was like I could feel your smile run through your body as tears rolled down my cheek onto the floor. My hands tried to shield the next smack , but the "play handcuffs" were doing there job. Your rubbed my red bottom lovingly and at the same time pushed a pair of panties into my mouth to muffle the noise. "Listen to me" you said as the fourth blow hit me full force.
Do you want to get this over with or shall i take my time? I tried to speak but the panties muffled my voice. Exactly you said" Your opinion does not really matter , when will you learn that this is not on your terms. Whack!! more pain and muffled yells. The Bog says it all " Be careful what you wish for. Whack again!!! It was starting to sink in, She was doing exactly what i fantasized about but at this point realized fantasy and reality are two very different things. Five full power blows hit me and as i write this i still cant sit with full weight. Humiliated and in pain you helped me up, the panties still in my mouth you led me to a corner of the room , rubbing my red bottom you kissed my neck Stand here eye's straight ahead and think hard about what just happened. I stood bottom burning thinking listening to you as you leisurely sipped your wine flipping through catalogues and chatting on the phone. Finally you called me to come over to where you were seated. Head lowered from embarrassment I obeyed. You said 'So tell me what just happened ?" I hesitated and started to speak "You wanted to teach me a lesson I said almost as a question. Are you asking me that? No I said Why? was your response. You taught me a lesson because I was playing by my rules I said a little louder. Correct you said. So I think we both agree that Punishment of my choosing is much more effective than putting the little cage on and wearing it for a while till you get your thrill. Now let me get some pictures of that cute red bottom then get on the computer and update our Blog .I want you to tell the story exactly as it happened!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Be Careful what you wish for: How it began!
Talk of domination began a couple of years ago,not wanting to fall into "boring,& predictable married couple sex" we were looking to spice up our sex life to keep it interesting, (although there have never been any complaints) we both agreed that to keep the fire going we had to keep things fun and kinky. We decided to order some "toys" 1 toy in particular had been a secret fantasy of mine but my "Princess" had no idea. I was so nervous... First I showed her the Strap-on.. she loved this toy and was intrigued...which made me think she was as kinky as I was. Next came some dildos, penis rings and lube... We were both very excited, I held my breath and produced the cage, curiously she said "Whats that?" I explained to her how it was to lock up and control my penis. She was interested and had me try it on, but was not as excited as I had hoped for, so it went back in the box. Off and on we played with the cock cage but never any thing serious. You see in our Vanilla world I was very much in complete control of all aspects of my Life. The cage was my secret escape, a way to give up control and in my secret fantasies it was always wonderful. that loss of control became a fantasy I could not let go.WELL TO MAKE A LONG STORY SHORT..1 Day not too long ago we met at home for lunch, I was having a very stressful day and my Princess was feeling playful, well I made the mistake of turning down an invitation for a "quickie" and later that after noon I got a call from her at work... All she said was "Time for a cage match.." "what!!" I said.. "use you imagination"was her response and hung up! I was excited and scared at the time , I went home early and put on the cage for the first time for real. In my fantasies it always felt better , but as I locked in I tried to grow hard but could not , this made me want to be hard and cum. Again because in my fantasies I was usually masturbating and my brain always knew I would cum. Suddenly my fantasy was real. 24 hours was my first sentence and let me tell you it was long...
"We" decided to start a blog to let the world know of our journey and to learn from others
so that is the story to date.
Talk of domination began a couple of years ago,not wanting to fall into "boring,& predictable married couple sex" we were looking to spice up our sex life to keep it interesting, (although there have never been any complaints) we both agreed that to keep the fire going we had to keep things fun and kinky. We decided to order some "toys" 1 toy in particular had been a secret fantasy of mine but my "Princess" had no idea. I was so nervous... First I showed her the Strap-on.. she loved this toy and was intrigued...which made me think she was as kinky as I was. Next came some dildos, penis rings and lube... We were both very excited, I held my breath and produced the cage, curiously she said "Whats that?" I explained to her how it was to lock up and control my penis. She was interested and had me try it on, but was not as excited as I had hoped for, so it went back in the box. Off and on we played with the cock cage but never any thing serious. You see in our Vanilla world I was very much in complete control of all aspects of my Life. The cage was my secret escape, a way to give up control and in my secret fantasies it was always wonderful. that loss of control became a fantasy I could not let go.WELL TO MAKE A LONG STORY SHORT..1 Day not too long ago we met at home for lunch, I was having a very stressful day and my Princess was feeling playful, well I made the mistake of turning down an invitation for a "quickie" and later that after noon I got a call from her at work... All she said was "Time for a cage match.." "what!!" I said.. "use you imagination"was her response and hung up! I was excited and scared at the time , I went home early and put on the cage for the first time for real. In my fantasies it always felt better , but as I locked in I tried to grow hard but could not , this made me want to be hard and cum. Again because in my fantasies I was usually masturbating and my brain always knew I would cum. Suddenly my fantasy was real. 24 hours was my first sentence and let me tell you it was long...
"We" decided to start a blog to let the world know of our journey and to learn from others
so that is the story to date.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I really hope someone reads this Blog and comments, we are new to this and would love to hear your comments on this journey
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